Peace on Earth...and also in the KITCHEN...
Holiday Market LOVE
We can't start our December newsletter without first saying how essential the handmade markets have been for us this year. We just want to say THANK YOU to those of you who visited us at our market booths this fall in Manitoba and Ontario this holiday season!!! What a pleasure to see you again! We limited our market attendance this year as the some markets were still closed and travelling is quite onerous while trying also to keep up with product demand here at home. Unfortunately we missed you in Alberta and Saskatchewan but hope to be back next year.

When they say there is pent up desire for in person shopping, they are not kidding. You came out in droves (although appropriately distanced of course!), with family and friends, and shared your joy with us in the process. The support for locally handmade goods is overwhelming and we are so grateful for this Canadian culture which makes us so unique on the world stage. We couldn't be prouder to be Canadian, and to acknowledge that even in difficult of times, Canadians are able to unite together to solve difficult problems, be tolerant of our differences and support each other.
The Canadian Birch Company now on You Tube!
Through all of the hard times over the past two years, the lock downs, the restrictions, which we whole-heartedly believe were/are necessary, you kept faith in us switching to online purchasing and trusting in our products and our new website when we could not provide samples for you to try. In turn, we have been steadily upgrading online supports for our customers with new and improved food pairing cards, enhanced product descriptions and videos.
HINT: We now have a Canadian Birch Company You Tube channel!!!! Please ensure to Subscribe and share our channel with your friends.
We'd love to hear from you...
In scenarios where we can't sample our products, we believe that letting you know what our products taste like and what they go well with is the most helpful thing we can do. A big part of that is augmenting our recipe blog library on our website as well which remains a priority. We would love any feedback you have for us regarding what we can do better to support you online. Email us at Info@canadianbirchcompany.com -- we would love to hear from you!
Product reviews are welcome!
Some of you are new subscribers from the markets or online browsing, and we want you to know that while we do send a few more promotional emails during the holiday shopping season as a means of survival for our small business, we'll also send supportive content to help you get to know BIRCH and the many ways that you can easily enjoy your BIRCH products. Look forward to more recipe series in the new year!! And please go to our website and drop a quick review of our products on any product page.
New Product Announcement
If you haven't made it out to see us at a market this year, you may not yet be aware that we introduced two new products in October.

Birch Balsamic Tomato Jam is a new savory jam companion to our Birch Bacon Jam and these two items are excellent additions to any charcuterie board. in fact, we have paired them together to created several charcuterie focused gift packs this year. Don't miss your Free gift with purchase of any Charcuterie gift pack on our online store (expires December 23rd). They are both very different flavor profiles. The new Birch Balsamic Tomato Jam is warmly spiced with cinnamon, cumin and cayenne with just a touch of heat, not overpowering but delightfully aromatic. Fantastic pairings are cheese, of course, pork tenderloin, grilled salmon, rice pilaf, breaded chicken and charcuterie meats.
Birch Chocolate Toffee Sauce is the new companion product to our long-standing favorite Birch Whiskey Toffee Sauce and provides a nice balance for chocolate lovers everywhere. As a dessert topping for ice cream, cheesecake, steamed puddings, as a fruit dip or as an easy add to layered desserts and layer cakes, the possibility are pretty much endless for this sauce.
Consult our downloadable PDF food pairing booklet and keep it handy for quick appetizer and dessert fixes.
Blog Recipes & Article: Entertaining Hacks for the Holidays
Article summary: The holidays are busy and stressful. It is a time of year when we want to cook special things & delight our family and guests with unique, thoughtful dishes but we have the LEAST TIME for it! This is when our Birch gourmet products shine...Read on...
Bacon Jam Stuffed Mushrooms with Birch Bacon Jam
We hope you enjoyed the update. Head over to our Recipe Blog to try some of the great recipes shared this month.
That's all for now folks!